Tag: San Francisco

Complete Guide to Solo Travel in San Francisco

Complete Guide to Solo Travel in San Francisco

West Coast best coast anyone? Famous for its stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and technological innovation, San Francisco is a major global city with a rich history and a unique character. On my first-ever solo trip to the United States, I visited San Francisco and have visited many times since in my career as a flight attendant. So I’m here to share my expertise in the only guide you will ever need as a solo traveller in San Francisco.

San Francisco: Your Must-Experience Guide of Iconic Landmarks!

San Francisco: Your Must-Experience Guide of Iconic Landmarks!

San Francisco is loved for its cable cars, hilly streets, and the breathtaking Golden Gate Bridge! As a solo traveller and seasoned flight attendant, I’ve had the privilege of exploring this vibrant city from the bay to the bridges multiple times. I’m here to share my personal guide to the must-see destinations and San Francisco landmarks that will make your solo trip unforgettable.